Our mission at Oddity Productions

“To empower Erie by growing the regional film industry through creative work, igniting conversations, and facilitating collaborations.”

At Oddity Productions, we believe in the future of Erie’s film industry. Filmmaking has been growing in our neighboring cities like Pittsburgh and Cleveland, with production companies like Netflix, Paramont, and HBO relying on these cities’ scenery and film infrastructure. Filmmaking is a long process that involves many different industries. Production crews will stay at a location for sometimes months on end, and participate in those economies.

We believe that Erie has so much to offer, from our many different environments, natural and man-made, to our glorious lake, 4 seasons, and talented film community. With more infrastructure, equipment access, and people championing our city, Erie can be the next great destination for filmmakers to bring their visions to the screen.

To support this, we strive for excellence in our work, to show filmmakers everywhere that you can make great films in Erie. We ignite conversations through our events and our network, so that more people learn about the potential Erie has. We facilitate collaborations among the many great filmmakers here in Erie, because a rising tide raises all ships.